Fire, Flame, and Fury

I think i've been goin through it
And i've been puttin' your name to it
So much for Stardust

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[ Name ]Jayce Torncoat
[ Aliases ]Firestorm, Blue Jay, Dune Cat
[ Nameday ]32nd Sun, Fifth Umbral Moon ( 10/31 )
[ Age ]34
[ Height ]5'8"
[ Race ]Seeker of the Sun Miquo'te
[ Gender ]Trans Male ( He/They )
[ Alignment ]Neutral Good
[ Sexuality ]Bisexual Polyamorous
[ Class ]Gunbreaker | Machinist
[ Occupation ]Mercenary
[ Religion ]Follower of Ifrit ( converted )


⬽ Easygoing ༠ Socially Self Conscious ༠ Curious ⤘

Jayce is a somewhat shy individual, though necessity and curiosity to approach people and makes him come across more quiet than anything. He tends to prefer to listen rather than speak unless someone gets him going on certain topics that he is passionate about. Living deep in the Sargoli Desert for the past decade or so has given him some quirks, such as being perpetually sandy and having a penchant for eating almost anything and everything. Despite his seemingly docile temperament, Jayce has a low tolerance for certain behaviors and can quickly become irritated. Sometimes he carries a certain sadness about him, especially in moments where he believes no on is paying attention to him.

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Jayce grew up in the U tribe, a somewhat shy but still social lad. Originally interested in beast tribe anthropology, this led him to study of the Amal'jaa, them being the closest to his home and therefore the most easily accessible. He always wanted to know more, to understand, and this led him to an accidental meeting with one of the Amal'jaa, an individual named Chezull Chah. Chezull thankfully didnt attack on sight; rather, he was also somewhat curious about other races. Over the next several years they slowly grew to learn each other's languages, eventually coming to a point where they could have fairly fluent conversations in a mix of Amal'jaa native tongue and Eorzean. They exchanged knowledge about their respective cultures, and grew closer to each other as individuals - close to the point of love.Chezull was a mage of sorts, and could glamor himself as an AuRa in order to accompany Jayce to learn more about Eorzean society. Unfortunately there was an incident where his tribe found out Chezull's true identity by accident, and Jayce was branded a traitor by coming to his defense. In one night he lost his love and his tribe, and was exiled.Jayce stuck to the desert wilds for the most part, learning hard-won lessons in how to survive on his own. Eventually he picked up the mercenary trade, and nowadays earns coin by taking contracts for bodyguard work or monster hunting.Just recently he has started to wander back into society, but after over a decade of limited social interaction and paranoia his social skills are rusty at best. He is still cautious to make deep connections but has enjoyed meeting the people he has so far.

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༠ Smells mostly like sand, though with the faint but persistent hint of iron that sticks around both from his hobby of blacksmithing and how often he gets blood on himself and his clothes.༠ Has an unreasonable grudge towards Nunhs. He gets catty towards them, and knows that not all Nunhs are the same, but he still cant quite repress the snide remarks and pouting. Hes got no way of knowing someone is a Nunh without either overhearing or being told, though.༠ He speaks very well, more akin to a scholar than a mercenary. He holds a very generic Thanalan accent, but this was practiced on purpose to mask his original U tribe/miquo'te accent. The later will start to pop out if hes not entirely clear of mind, whether it be through inebriation, sleepiness, etc.༠ His aetherpool is incredibly low, to the point that even charging catridges for his gunblade can be a struggle. Strangely enough, during combat he will experience sporadic, powerful swells of fire-aspected aether. He has learned that there is no repressing them, and he can either do his best to direct it into a controlled attack or risk it harming himself and allies if it is left to surge.༠ Has a mild sensitivity to aether due to a previous experience with corrupted levin. Being exposed to too much through any means could result in aether sickness.༠ Rarely, if ever, gives out his last name and only introduces himself as just Jayce.


༠ Spicy food
༠ Beastmen Anthropology
༠ Blacksmithing
༠ Roasted Crickets (or any food tbh)
༠ Doesnt mind being called "Kitten". He thinks its a bit of a strange endearment but yknow... hes got the cat ears and everything.


༠ Raw Sandworm (for the love of god dont ask)
༠ Rudeness or unwarranted aggression towards him or his friends
༠ The cold (living near/in a desert his whole life, he doesnt have a lot of cold tolerance)
༠ Water deep enough that he cant stand in

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Reference Sheet

༠ Nose bridge curves outward
༠ Well muscled; doesnt have a lot of fat on him due to food scarcity.
༠ His tail is very well maintained and silky. He will always keep it wrapped up unless he is sleeping in an actual bed or is relaxing.
༠ Downturned eyes with heavy lids; his base expression is a little bit sleepy looking.
༠ Little tufts of fur at the tip of his ears, like a Maine Coon.
༠ Wide-ish hips and thicker thighs that give him a more hourglass shape.
༠ Oval face

other references

* More will be added as they are completed!

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⬽ Chocobo ⤘

A chocobo that moreso adopted Jayce than Jayce adopting him. He suddenly appeared at a distance one day, and over time gradually grew closer until one night Jayce awoke to the bird standing over him. Terrified, Jayce did the only thing he could think of to do - offer it a dried bug from his own rations. The two work together as a team, with the easygoing chocobo dutifully putting up with some of Jayce's antics as they travel across and out of the desert. Jayce is unsure of whether or not Breastmeat was a wild chocobo or was separated from a previous owner, but the bird is fairly solitary in nature and doesnt enjoy being stabled with others. He prefers to wander the wilds while Jayce goes about his business in society, and Jayce trusts that Breastmeat is able to fend for himself. They find each other with a special whistle that they both recognize.

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⬽ Drake Hatchling ⤘

The Brotherhood of Ash gifted this drake hatching for Jayce to raise. He is inquisitive but cautious, much like Jayce himself, but courageous if the need arises. Jayce reqularly feeds him incendiary glands from adult drakes with the goal of one day having Roach help with his blacksmithing.

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⬽ Coeurl Kit ⤘

A nearly-dead kit that Jayce came across on his travels in the Sargoli Desert. Unsure of how the little thing got there, Jayce took her in and helped to nurse her back to health. Cricket has since bonded to him, and mostly spends her days with Roach perfecting their hunting skills on whatever unfortunate insect happens to wander by. The little kit is bold and brave, and seemingly unafraid of anything - she will make a great hunter when shes grown, but for now she sticks close to either Jayce or Breastmeat.

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If you were from the U tribe, or spent a significant amount of time with them about 10 years ago, you may recognize Jayce as U'boa Tia, who was exiled and hunted briefly for consorting with Amal'jaa savages. Maybe you agreed with the previous Nunh in casting him out, maybe you felt sorry for him. You might even know he is suspected for the murder of his two best friends, U'rasha and U'mehote, whos bodies were found out in the desert only a few days after he had fled. Depending you may be relieved to see him - but hes definitely terrified to see you.

Monster Hunter

If you are also a mercenary, you may have run into Jayce. Maybe you helped teach him how to fend for himself. Maybe you were there when he made a bit of a name for himself when he took on the chimera known as Vantablack- or maybe you had heard it from a friend of a friend who was there. Maybe youve been with him on some of the other chimera hunting jobs hes taken on since then.

Healers in need

Jayce often has need to call upon the services of a healer, and is willing to pay for those services. If he finds someone he likes he tends to call upon their services on a semi-regular basis, seeing as hes prone to trying to take hits for other people. He pays well and drinks that respect healer juice, aand maybe youve started to get curious about this seeker who keeps getting himself in trouble.

friends with benefits

Despite how shy he comes across, Jayce fucks. He has a list of people he might call upon to keep warm with on those cold desert nights - maybe youre one of them. Has something happened to make you more than a booty call? Maybe youd like to get to know Jayce a little better? Or maybe youd like to explore the situation(s) that could have had your character end up on this list? [Disclaimer: there is no guarantee of erp in this situation; this is more of an exploration of what could have happened to get to this stage or could be the beginning point of a possible romance. The friends with benefits hook is more a sort of backdrop to story based rps that could happen out of it!]

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People who Jayce has a sigificant relationship to, whether it be platonic, romantic, adversarial, or otherwise!

maiel lerrafel

Relationship: Mated
An auri of immense stature and Jayce's largest source of comfort, Jayce loves him with a passion that, quite frankly, scares him a little bit. It would kill him to lose Maiel like he did his previous fiancée, and so he does everything in his power to keep from admitting that he loves him out loud.

bjarne djt-bidit

Relationship: Best Friend
Jayce has known Bjarne for years, first meeting each other through mercenary work. They quickly grew from fuckbuddies, to friends with benefits, to best friends, and Jayce knows that if he ever gets himself injured then Bjarne would spare no cost to see him healthy again. He is one of the few people that Jayce can completely trust, especially when out on a contract together. He knows much of Bjarne's trauma with relationships and knows how the viera has closed his heart off because of it, and so he keeps his own feelings for the bun a closely guarded secret.

Batukhan dotharl

Relationship: Complicated
Once casual fuckbuddies, Jayce would much rather he never see Batukhan again. After the Dotharl kidnapped him and allowed his torture at the hands of U'niran Tia he doesn't want anything to do with Batukhan, but unfortunately he is the father of Maiel's children. Even more unfortunate for Jayce, Batu is a devoted father. As much as he wants to tell Maiel what Batu had allowed to be done to him, Jayce keeps quiet both because of threats from Batukhan, and because he doesn't want the children to suffer the loss of one of their parents.

U'niran Tia

Relationship: Enemy
A ghost from Jayce's past intent on killing him for taking the life of his younger brother, U'mehote. Niran has already tortured Jayce once after commissioning "Frostwalker" (Batukhan) to kidnap the gunbreaker, and intends to cause further suffering before finally avenging his brother and leaving Jayce's corpse out in the desert to rot.

Wren Bauer

Relationship: Complicated

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✦ I am 25 and work two jobs, one of them being a freelance illustrator. Only 20+ characters/muns please!✦I enjoy darker themes, but I like variety! The only thing im not fond of are rps that are the equivalent of small talk - I would prefer there to be a plotline or goal of some sort, even if its simple! I just personally do not enjoy meaningless conversations and interactions.✦I am open to ERP only if it makes sense narrative and character wise! I must know and be comfortable with you/your character first before I would consider it though (outside of venue work).✦No godmodding, metagaming, etc - the usual. I wont bite your head off if you make a mistake or slip up, but if its a constant/semi-constant thing I will likely drop any rp we have and consider all interactions with my character(s) non-canon.✦IC =/= OOC. While I do put some of myself into my character please keep in mind that they are their own (fictional) people and will hold their own ic opinions about events and characters.✦My main rp methods are in game and Discord! Discord is my primary way of roleplaying since I can write a reply anytime, anywhere. I also enjoy in game RP but since I work two jobs my in game time is mostly limited to evenings.✦Communication! If something happens that you are uncomfortable with please let me know! I want to work with you to make sure were both comfortable and enjoying ourselves.✦I thrive on hcs, and actually prefer hcs as a starter point for our characters (so that we dont have to do in-rp small talk). If we have characters that interact feel free to bust into my DMs with any fun new hcs you may have!✦Im open to doing roulettes/trials/raids/etc with people! Im not at savage content yet but ill be open to those once I get there~ Im even open to help you out if you just need those short tank queues lol. My current classes:
- Tank: Warrior, Gunbreaker
- Healer: Astrologian (WIP), Sage
- Phys DPS: Reaper, Monk (WIP)
- Range DPS: Machinist, Dancer
- Caster DPS: Red Mage

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